In 2010 we created, directed and choreographed the dance company “Malevaje”. This was a group of artists who told powerful stories about being human. From this group evolved dancers who now represent Argentina around the world today. For our work and the company’s work, we received many prizes, some of which are: “Recogniztion of the quality and artistic excellence” from the newspaper El Esquiu Argentina; “Best group dance, choreography and best director” from Talents 2012 Championship awarded by the International Dance Confederation (CIC) Catamarca, Argentina; “Best group dance and artistis work” of the Outdoor Festivals organized by the Municipal Commission of Folklore of Cosquin, Argentina; “2012 Revelation Prize” awarded by the National and International Festival of Folklore Poncho in which more than eighty works competed.
“Compania Malevaje” also worked on behalf of many charities creating the program “Poblando de Tango Mi Patria” with free classes and artistic direction for children and young people who did not have any access to tango. In 2012 “Compania Malevaje” donated a show for the community of Minas de Culampaja (Belen) through which a truck full of food and first aid materials were collected for that beloved town in the province of Catamarca.